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2021: Our Year in Review

2021 Bytes.co

We’d like to thank all of our clients and our employees for making 2021 one of our best years yet as a web design and digital marketing agency! We appreciate all of your continued support, and look forward to another exciting year of working together. Below are highlights from our web design, website hosting, and digital marketing departments this past year.

2021 in Review: Bytes.co. Our year in review: 2021 statistics. 402 proposals were sent, and 197 were accepted. 21 websites were launched, using 2,900 website project hours and 1,560 custom development project hours. We also got 80 new clients, making a total of 412 clients.
We have 4 Web Accessibility Specialist certified developers: Aaron, Sam, Andrew, and Chris! Our support team also solved 3,973 support tickets, performed 1,668 plugin updates, as well as 13 website migrations.
We spent 7,494 person-hours in Google Meets as a company this year. For SEO, we tracked 698,464 keyword positions, performed 2,912 site audits, and also tracked 13,432 keywords.
For Google Ads, we recorded 129,341,492 ad impressions, 49,943 conversions, and 1,171,918 ad clicks. For Facebook Ads, we recorded 6,690,000 ad impressions, 9,064 conversions, and 79,250 ad clicks.
This year, Bytes.co gained 8 new employees! We're so excited to introduce Shea, Deby, Jeff, Tyler, Colin, Adan, Marcus, and Eric!

To Summarize:


  • We sent out 402 proposals this year, 197 of which were accepted.
  • We gained 80 new clients, and currently have a total of 412 clients.

Website Design & Development:

  • Our development team launched 21 websites, using 2,900 website project hours and 1,560 custom development project hours.
  • We now have 4 Web Accessibility Specialist certified developers: Aaron, Sam, Andrew, and Chris!

Website Hosting & Support:

  • Our support team also solved 3,973 support tickets, performed 1,668 plugin updates, as well as 13 website migrations.

Digital Marketing:

  • For SEO, we tracked 698,464 keyword positions, performed 2,912 site audits, and also tracked 13,432 keywords.
  • For Google Ads, we recorded 129,341,492 ad impressions, 49,943 conversions, and 1,171,918 ad clicks.
  • For Facebook Ads, we recorded 6,690,000 ad impressions, 9,064 conversions, and 79,250 ad clicks.


  • We spent 7,494 person-hours in Google Meets as a company this year.
  • This year, Bytes.co gained 8 new employees! We’re so excited to welcome Shea, Deby, Jeff, Tyler, Colin, Adan, Marcus, and Eric to the team!
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Shea Lincourt

Shea Lincourt

Shea has lived in Vermont her entire life. She grew up in southern Vermont and later moved to Burlington to pursue a degree in marketing at the University of Vermont. Upon graduating cum laude, Shea started her marketing career as a digital marketing intern at Bytes.co before becoming our digital marketing analyst.

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