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Giving Tuesday 2021

Bytes.co and Giving Tuesday logos on a navy background with green squares

This year, our team is continuing its tradition of giving back to the local community by once again participating in Giving Tuesday. Just like previous years, our employees will be donating to an organization or charity of their choice. Their donation amount will then be matched by Bytes.co in a donation to the Vermont Foodbank.

We want to encourage everyone to consider making a donation this Giving Tuesday! Whatever organization or charity you choose to donate to, your financial support will be greatly appreciated, especially after these challenging past few years.

We’d also like to take this opportunity to recognize all of our nonprofit clients, and celebrate all of the great work they do for their local communities. We’re honored to help them further their missions and achieve their business goals. If you would like to make a donation this Giving Tuesday, consider choosing one of the following nonprofits to support:

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Shea Lincourt

Shea Lincourt

Shea has lived in Vermont her entire life. She grew up in southern Vermont and later moved to Burlington to pursue a degree in marketing at the University of Vermont. Upon graduating cum laude, Shea started her marketing career as a digital marketing intern at Bytes.co before becoming our digital marketing analyst.

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