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SESNY Day 1, Session 1

How To Become a Link Magnet, Search: Where to Next, Introduction to Analytics, Digital Asset Management, Introduction to Search Engine Marketing

glenngabe: Building blocks for link magnetism: build a personal brand. Understand why you want links. rankings, clients, recognition, etc. #sesny

state_ofsearch: Many of us are optimizing for the textual web, but it’s a more interactive web. #sesny

IETraining: Pick a unique social media handle to make ur brand unique #sesny

adcenter: Stefan up now talking about a “Web of Objects” – real-time firehoses, services, devices & multimedia #sesny

aimclear: @randfish, most folks who bitch about “personal branding,” suck at personal branding, it’s like saying having money sucks #SESNY

beebow: “All things Google is probably not good for us. Remember, Google is a business.” #SESNY – Mark Knowles

adcenter: Web results haven’t fundamentally changed in 8 years. Our vision in search is about delivering knowledge. #SESNY

AnneKennedy: #sesny Stefan Wietz: how many other 8-year-old technologies are you still happy with?

paulbenjou: Brand yourself. Example: zapposceo. #sesny #sesny4

IETraining: People link to personalities in social media. #sesny

state_ofsearch: The intent should drive the user experience #sesny

glenngabe: What’s your blog personality? helpful, informative expert (know your stuff , though), controversial, etc. #sesny

paulbenjou: Link magnet Take an opposing view on a popular topic. #sesny #sesny4

state_ofsearch: #sesny Yahoo has 3 areas of focus: 1. Find things faster 2. Explore what matters 3. Get things done

melcarson: Bloggers at #SESNY use Windows Live Writer desktop app http://bit.ly/9H5TiP (expand> ) Makes my life so much easier!

MerryMorud: Favorite KPIs: Bounce Rate, Conversion R, Avg time on site, task completion R, Share of Search, Profit/visitor #sesny #analytics -J Marshall

glenngabe: Linkbait = content built to attract links LInk Magnets = rewards the linker (creates an incentive) #sesny

state_ofsearch: Yahoo has brought richer interaction on SERP. You don’t leave the search page if you click a map. It changes the map. #sesny

glenngabe: There’s been a shift in linkbuilding over the past few years. But, people still link when it benefits them. #sesny @randfish

glenngabe: Rand giving an ex: of Yelp. The badge links back to Yelp in several key areas….w/great anchor text. Earned them thousands of links #sesny

beebow: SORT yoru site’s inventory 4 ways: commercial value, editorial value, entertianment value & added value. -Josh Cobb #SESNY

basvandenbeld: “You won’t win it with a single website anymore, you just won’t” #sesny

perfectmarket: Interesting. First at #smx and now #sesny, @randfish keeps circling this idea of rewarding linkers with badges, a la @foursquare.

glenngabe: Content that rewards: You need an emotional & obvious hook. i.e. Sharing your twitter profile (or linkedin profile) #sesny You want to link!

krissymiller: “The more meta content the better” for optimizing digital assets – Josh Cobb, yahoo #sesny

glenngabe: When you create content that rewards, you control the anchor text. @randfish #sesny

paulbenjou: Replace copy paste with clickable JavaScript to increase linkage by 100 persent plus. #sesny #sesny4

glenngabe: Examples of great link magnets: Vimeo, great player, exc embed code, and they get 3 links back for each embed. #sesny

pisocialmedia: #sesny search will include tweets video social content and maybe your website … You need to use multichannel approach

state_ofsearch: #sesny Now about personalized search. Yahoo tries that with searchmonkey which you can turn on and of f

katemats: For any digital asset strategy make sure you set it up to measure and track your results #sesny

dweingrod: as search becomes more personalized the era of the ranking report is dead – hallelujah !! #sesny

beebow: “If something can be searched on, it can be optimized. Period.” -@leeodden #SESNY

state_ofsearch: Now privcay concerns: more than a year ago. People are sharing way more than they should #sesny

state_ofsearch: Bing shows your history on the left which you can remove immediately #sesny

krissymiller: Keyword research – do traditional and social research on your keywords. #sesny

Topheratl: “Web developers have the right mindset to get and work with segmentation in analitics beter then most people do” #SESNY

Topheratl: There is no good free tool that can track our Social Media KPI #sesny

adcenter: Search isn’t just about SEO now. It’s also about social. #BTabke #sesny

FlightpathNY: Where blogs used to get links from their readers, they now get tweets #sesny

pisocialmedia: #sesny 70% of retweets contain urls …future of search

seoidiot: Firefox + WASP to see what a competitors site is tracking #sesny #analytics

glenngabe: Great point & I agree. @randfish, don’t be surprised if Twitter, FB, etc. data is part of the Search algo 6-12 months from now. #sesny

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Peter Jewett

Peter Jewett

Peter founded Bytes.co (originally Burlington Bytes) in 2010. He currently lives in Huntington with his wife, Katie, and two kids, Parker and Calla. When there's snow on the ground he coaches ski racing and when there's no snow he coaches baseball. His motto is "business, business, business", so give him a shout if you ever want to chat about tech related challenges or opportunities.

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