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#SESNYC Keynote Tweetroll

The best tweets, in my opinion, from the keynote at SES NYC.  Enjoy Stay tuned for more.


MerryMorud: Brands- you don’t need to tell EVERYBODY (& their moms) about new products/services just tell the few RIGHT people. -@dmscott #sesny

leeodden: #SESNY Audience poll: have you responded to direct mail? 0-5% Phone book 3-5% Google 100% Social Network 85% @dmscott

state_ofsearch: He now talks about a dentist in Boston who advertised in the yellow pages and was looking for a better way #sesny

state_ofsearch: she started a blog “healthy mouth, healthy sex”. She then made an e-book and became an instant success #sesny

glenngabe: Her ebook was free so people could share. no registration required. now blog ranks organically for a # of keywords. biz increased #sesny

state_ofsearch: You must unlearn what you have learned #sesny

sagerock: Dmscott #sesny “Every hotel web site is built exactly the same because it is built around the product. Build around buyer personas.”

pisocialmedia: #sesny bio personas are profile of your potential clients and help you target better

sagerock: Dmscott #sesny “Stop talking about the product. Talk about the people who are buying the product.”

sagerock: Dmscott #sesny On getting attention: buy it, beg for it, bug people, OR Earn it.

mConduit: Travel site should start with the purpose of the trip & not with the product (flight, hotel, car) according to @dmscott at #SESNY

beebow: “Nobody cares about your products except for you… ppl care about themselves… they care deeply about solving problems.” @dmscott #SESNY

AnnaMariaVirzi: overused words in press releases: innovate, pleased to, unique, focused on, leading provider, commitment, partnership @dmscott #sesny

beebow: cramming your site w/ iStock-esque corporate models don’t represent you – it’s an insult to your clients & employees #SESNY @dmscott

MerryMorud: back button 3rd most used feature #sesny

MerryMorud: if you want people to spread ideas: LOSE CONTROL! User Generated Content is a gold mine #sesny

state_ofsearch: #sesny Grateful dead lets people record at concerts and spread the word. They became the most popular touring band with it

state_ofsearch: In the old world everybody was putting up brakes. Don’t do that. No required email adresses etc. #sesny

adcenter: Reach – the collective audience of all the bloggers at SXSW was bigger than the readership of any daily newspaper in the US #sesny

paulbenjou: Fear. 25 percent of companies block access to social media. #sesny

HarryJGold: We want 330k people in the public affairs dept. Airforce quote. #sesny


Peter Jewett

Peter Jewett

Peter founded Bytes.co (originally Burlington Bytes) in 2010. He currently lives in Huntington with his wife, Katie, and two kids, Parker and Calla. When there's snow on the ground he coaches ski racing and when there's no snow he coaches baseball. His motto is "business, business, business", so give him a shout if you ever want to chat about tech related challenges or opportunities.

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