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New website launch: www.maserusa.com

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Visit the newest Burlington Bytes client, Maser USA,  at www.maserusa.com.

Chuck Hughes is the official distributor for Maser Austria Turtlenecks in the US.   His new search engine friendly website features an online store built with Google Checkout, a store locator,  a few pages outlining Maser’s product offerings, and a simple contact form.

The site is built on the WordPress platform, which allows the client to log-in to easily edit and add content, check webstats, and more.  We’ve also configured Gmail email services on the maserusa.com domain, and have installed Google Analytics with automated reporting to keep on top of web traffic and business trends.

This is all included in our core website package and costs $799 onetime + $49/mo

Within days of being online, there are already orders and email inquiries coming through the site.  As the business grows and we move into the peak turtleneck retail season, we may consider adding SEO services, and move from Google Checkout to a self-hosted online store.

Is your small business looking for a website?  Visit www.BurlingtonBytes.com today

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Peter Jewett

Peter Jewett

Peter founded Bytes.co (originally Burlington Bytes) in 2010. He currently lives in Huntington with his wife, Katie, and two kids, Parker and Calla. When there's snow on the ground he coaches ski racing and when there's no snow he coaches baseball. His motto is "business, business, business", so give him a shout if you ever want to chat about tech related challenges or opportunities.

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