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Bytes.co Celebrates Double Wins at the 2024 w3 Awards

The Bytes.co and w3 Award logos together next to the Silver 2024 w3 Awards winner logo and trophy statuette on a navy blue and green background

For the second year in a row, Bytes.co is thrilled to announce that we’ve been honored at the prestigious 2024 w3 Awards, taking home not just one, but two Silver Awards for website design! Artisan Learning and Smugglers’ Notch Resort, both proudly built by the Bytes.co team, earned top recognition in the Education and Travel website categories, respectively.

The w3 Awards, which celebrate digital excellence by honoring outstanding websites, marketing, video, mobile sites/apps, social, and podcasts, are judged by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts (AIVA). Competing against entries from across the globe, it’s no small feat to snag one of these coveted awards. We’re thrilled to be counted among the best, once again demonstrating our commitment to delivering creative, technically solid, and visually appealing web solutions for our clients.

Let’s take a closer look at each award-winning project!

Artisan Learning – Silver Award Winner

Artisan Learning, an innovative organization dedicated to revolutionizing learning, has partnered with us to create a dynamic and user-friendly digital presence. Artisan Learning specializes in custom-designed learning solutions tailored to businesses and institutions, making education accessible and effective for a wide range of learners.

Kristina Drobny DiPietro, our Creative Director, reflected on the project: “Leading the vision for this website and collaborating with our incredible team and Artisan Learning has been such a rewarding experience. I’m especially proud that our commitment to accessibility has been recognized with this award—it reflects our dedication to making the web a place where everyone can have a positive user experience, regardless of ability.”

Our goal for the Artisan Learning website was to build a platform that not only showcased their expertise in the learning and development space but also provided a seamless experience for their clients. The new website is designed with clear, intuitive navigation and a sleek, modern aesthetic that complements their forward-thinking approach to education. Featuring robust back-end functionality, it allows Artisan Learning to easily manage content and keep their audience up-to-date with their latest offerings. This award-winning build combines style with function, creating a digital space that’s as educational as it is engaging.

For more information about this project, check out our portfolio piece.

Smugglers’ Notch Resort – Silver Award Winner

Smugglers’ Notch Resort, or “Smuggs” to the locals, is known as America’s Family Resort, offering four-season vacation packages that attract adventurers of all kinds. When they approached us to revamp their website, we knew the challenge was to balance fun, family-oriented branding with the functionality needed to support their busy, multifaceted resort operations.

Upon hearing about our win, Bytes.co CEO, Jay Di Vece, was ecstatic, saying “We are thrilled with the response to the new website for Smuggs. One of the proudest moments came when the family of a long-time owner called me to express their excitement about the new look and functionality of the site. Their enthusiasm, reinforced the joy we aimed to capture with this project. We are incredibly grateful to the Smuggs Team for putting their faith and trust in us for such a large project. We couldn’t be more proud of the outcome, and we are eager to take on on future projects with this fantastic team.”

The website we built for Smuggs highlights the resort’s wide array of activities while also making it easy for visitors to find the information they need—from booking lodging and ski passes to planning out entire family vacations. By enhancing the user experience with mobile-friendly design and streamlined content management, we created a site that captures the excitement of the Smuggs experience while being as functional as it is visually appealing.

For more information about this project, check out our portfolio piece.

Bytes.co: Crafting Award-Winning Websites

At Bytes.co, we love turning complex ideas into beautiful, high-performing websites. These awards are a testament to our team’s hard work, creativity, and technical prowess – and we couldn’t be more proud.

We are incredibly honored and grateful to have been recognized in the 2024 w3 Awards, and we couldn’t be happier to share this achievement with our amazing clients, Artisan Learning and Smugglers’ Notch Resort. It’s our privilege to partner with such inspiring organizations, and these awards reaffirm our commitment to delivering top-tier websites.

Want your website to be the next award-winner? Give us a shout – we’re always excited to collaborate and build something amazing together!

Shea Lincourt

Shea Lincourt

Shea has lived in Vermont her entire life. She grew up in southern Vermont and later moved to Burlington to pursue a degree in marketing at the University of Vermont. Upon graduating cum laude, Shea started her marketing career as a digital marketing intern at Bytes.co before becoming our digital marketing analyst.

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