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Custom WordPress Plugins

I am in the process of wrapping up the most complex WordPress plugin that I’ve ever made.  Its a work-related project for Dealer.com in Burlington, VT so I can’t blow the lid off it yet, but its looking pretty sweet and should have a number of sweet applications.   I learned a ton about extending the functionality of WordPress, especially integration with external databases.  Drop me a line if you’re trying to stretch WordPress beyond its normal bounds, maybe we can whip something up.

Peter Jewett

Peter Jewett

Peter founded Bytes.co (originally Burlington Bytes) in 2010. He currently lives in Huntington with his wife, Katie, and two kids, Parker and Calla. When there's snow on the ground he coaches ski racing and when there's no snow he coaches baseball. His motto is "business, business, business", so give him a shout if you ever want to chat about tech related challenges or opportunities.

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