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Hello Burlington – Burlington Bytes

I thought about calling this company Burlington Bits, but wanted to think (8x) bigger…

Burlington Bytes is a start-up e-Business company operated by Pete Jewett out of Burlington, VT. I’ve been working in the digital space for the last 12 years doing everything from running an eBay consignment store, to making micro chips, chasing our lake monster,  to optimizing websites for car dealerships. Along the way I’ve kept myself busy on the side by designing websites and various internet campaigns for small businesses.

I’ve seen a small uptake in people requesting my services over the last couple months, so I’ve decided to start advertising and packaging my services. My goal is simple:

Burlington Bytes offers affordable web design and marketing services to small businesses in Vermont. We empower our clients to better understand, utilize, and profit from the web. Building your business online shouldn’t cost, it should pay.

Peter Jewett

Peter Jewett

Peter founded Bytes.co (originally Burlington Bytes) in 2010. He currently lives in Huntington with his wife, Katie, and two kids, Parker and Calla. When there's snow on the ground he coaches ski racing and when there's no snow he coaches baseball. His motto is "business, business, business", so give him a shout if you ever want to chat about tech related challenges or opportunities.

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