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Bytes.co Wrapping Up 2020

graphic of present with 2021 coming out

2020… what a roller coaster of a year. Looking back a year ago today, we never could have predicted what lied ahead of us. While this year will likely always be remembered for its many, many lows, upon wrapping up the year, we’d like to focus on some of the highs.

First off, we made it! Seriously, though, I think every small to medium sized company had their moments of doubt throughout the year. Bytes.co was lucky enough to come out on the other side. That being said, we know the future may not be as certain for all of our clients. Please reach out if we can be of any help. We are experts in driving conversions after all!

Now onto the main event! After the craziness of this year, Bytes.co proved to be as driven and relentless as ever. Our team did amazing work in 2020, and we are thrilled to show it off:

Bytes.co built and launched22 websites this year
Bytes.co has 62 clients conducting google ad campaigns. In total we had 131,970,021 ad impressions, 1,316,276 ad clicks, and 53,868 trackable conversions.
Our support team closed 2,879 support tickets this year.
Our sales team sent 197 proposals and 90 of them were accepted.
Bytes.co spent 13,424 hours building websites. This time was split between 5 developers and two project managers.
We have 31 Facebook Advertising clients. A total of 37,816,655 ad impressions, 362,204 ad clicks, and 52,996 conversions.
Bytes.co and our clients spent 3,387 person-hours on Google Meets in 2020.
We gained a total of 69 new clients. Now we have a total of 372 clients.

To Summarize:

  • Our Production Team built and launched 22 websites in 2020 – that’s almost two websites/month!
  • Our Production Team spent 13,424 hours building websites this year – Our team includes 5 developers and 2 project managers.
  • Our Digital Marketing Team manages Google Ad Campaigns for 62 clients. Total Google Ad impressions in 2020 = 131,970,021. Total Google Ad clicks in 2020 = 1,316,276. Total Google Ad trackable conversions in 2020 = 53,868.
  • Our Digital Marketing Team manages Facebook Advertising Campaigns for 31 clients. Total Facebook Ad impressions in 2020 = 37,816,655. Total Facebook Advertising Clicks in 2020 = 362,204. Total Facebook Ad conversions = 52,996.
  • Our Technical Support Team closed a total of 2,879 support tickets this year. Support tickets are website changes requested by our clients.
  • Our Team and our clients spent a total of 3,387 person-hours on Google Meets this year. An example of a person-hour: If 4 people are in a meeting for 1 hour, that equates to 4 person-hours.
  • Our Sales Team sent 197 Proposal this year. 90 were accepted!
  • We gained 69 new clients this year and have a total of 372 clients.

We can’t thank our team and clients enough for your continued support through a very unpredictable year. Here’s to putting 2020 behind us. Happy New Year everyone!

Abby Rajotte

Abby Rajotte

Abby began working for Bytes.co in September 2017. Abby has worn a few different hats since starting at Bytes.co. Initially her role began in the billing and administration department, but has since transitioned to sales and internal marketing. You will likely find yourself speaking with Abby during your free consultation.

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